• Does My Child Have Anxiety?
    Be able to spot the warning signs of anxiety in your child. Anxiety is undoubtedly on the rise, not just for adults but for children. The pandemic has certainly left kids Read more
  • Signs of ADHD in Children
    Does your child fidget constantly, ignore instructions or have trouble concentrating for more than a few minutes at a time? He or she may have attention-deficit/hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD). Child ADHD Read more
  • The Importance of Children's Nutrition
    Make sure your child is following a healthy, balanced diet. One in 5 school children is considered obese in the US. So, how do we stop these statistics from getting any Read more
  • Helping Your Child Deal With Minor Illnesses or Injuries
    Here’s your first-aid guide on how to care for minor childhood injuries. In a perfect world, your child would never get injured, sick, or hurt; unfortunately, this just isn’t 100 percent Read more
  • Your Child’s Immunization Schedule
    Get to know more about your child’s vaccine schedule and why it’s critical for their health. From the moment your baby is born they will start getting vaccines that can bolster Read more
  • Ear Infections in Children
    Does an ear infection automatically warrant seeing a pediatrician? Here’s what you should know… Your child is dealing with an ear infection for the first time and just like when they Read more
  • The Importance Of Well-Child Care Visits
    A healthy child begins with the right doctor. A pediatrician can help you and your child make the best and most informed decisions regarding their health. It’s important to have Read more
  • Peanut Allergies in Children
    In the past 15 years, we’ve seen a massive increase in the number of children with peanuts allergies, so it goes without saying that most parents are worried about giving Read more
  • FAQs About the Pediatric COVID Vaccine
    No doubt you’ve been hearing a lot of discussions, particularly on the news, about the Covid-19 vaccine. You’ve also heard that kids five years old and older are now eligible Read more
  • Get Help From Your Pediatrician If Your Child Has Asthma
    Over six million children in the U.S., as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have asthma. Although child asthma can vary in severity, it may interfere Read more
  • Know the Signs of Chickenpox
    The infamous chickenpox, a virus known to cause itchy blisters all over the body. It most often happens to school-age kids, but unfortunately, if you’ve never had this infection as Read more
  • Is Your Child Dealing With an Ear Infection?
    When visiting your pediatrician in Conroe, TX, you may need to share common ear infection symptoms that your child may show before the visit. At Northside Pediatrics Associates, Dr. Ayotunde Read more
  • When a Fever Requires Medical Attention
    A fever is one of the biggest concerns that parents have when it comes to their infant or child. We understand that a fever can sometimes be considered an emergency Read more
  • Does My Child Have a UTI?
    When bacteria enter the bladder or the kidneys this can result in a urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, UTIs are quite common in infants and kids, so it’s important to recognize Read more
  • Your Infant and Constipation
    It’s not typically common for infants to have issues with constipation; however, sometimes it happens. While many babies won’t deal with constipation they may have irregular bowel movements as their Read more
  • Your Infant and Constipation
    It’s not typically common for infants to have issues with constipation; however, sometimes it happens. While many babies won’t deal with constipation they may have irregular bowel movements as their Read more

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